Do You Want to Learn How to Better Support Your VBAC Clients?
We Can Help.
As doulas, we know that keeping up to date on evidence-based information to support your clients is important.
We are here to make that easy for you!
We are Julie Francom and Meagan Heaton. Together we have supported over 1,000 VBAC parents on their journeys.
We know firsthand how hard it can be as a doula supporting a parent with a previous Cesarean, not because they are particularly difficult but because of the politics and bias surrounding VBAC.
When we were working towards our VBACs, our doulas, and their knowledge about VBAC left us feeling confident and empowered. We truly couldn’t have done it without them.
That’s why we created The VBAC Link; to help you become more confident and educated so you can be a reliable source of knowledge and strength for you and your clients preparing for VBAC.
We break down the evidence-based information to eliminate the stress and simplify the data and statistics.
Have you ever heard someone say:
- My pelvis is too small to birth a baby
- I’ve heard that VBAC is unsafe
- You cannot induce VBAC
Or, have you ever wondered how to support a VBAC client whose provider is clearly unsupportive?
We have created our content to clear up the myths and leave doulas like you feeling confident when supporting VBAC parents.
You are in the right place. Here are some of our most popular resources to get you started.
The Best Articles We’ve Written for Doulas
VBAC Facts: The Real Truth About VBAC
Trying to find evidence-based VBAC facts can be a nightmare. Find all the stats and facts you need in one easy location.
VBAC Friendly Doctors
The biggest impact on your clients’ chances of having a VBAC is the provider they choose. Learn more about what makes a provider supportive, some common red flags, and how to help your clients navigate birth with a less than supportive provider.
Getting Pregnant After C-Section: How Long Should You Wait?
One of the questions we see the most is about the ideal length between a Cesarean and the next pregnancy in order to VBAC. There is a lot of conflicting information out there. In this blog, you will find what the studies actually say so you can help your clients know their options.
Do You Want to Become Certified VBAC Doula?
The Advanced VBAC Doula Certification system is the most comprehensive VBAC doula training in the world.
It is perfectly packaged in an online, self-paced video course — all designed to teach you how to increase your ability and confidence in supporting parents birthing after Cesarean.
For the Podcast Listeners, We’ve Got Some Hand-Picked Episodes Just For You
Patrice’s VBAC + The Best Induction Method for VBAC
VBAC induction is a hot topic with many different opinions. Listen to this episode where Patrice shares her story of a beautiful induced VBAC and learn the facts about VBAC induction.
Meagan’s VBA2C + 5 Interesting Facts About VBA2C
VBAC after more than one Cesarean is almost unheard of. In this episode, Meagan shares her VBA2C (VBAC After 2 Cesareans) story and we go over all the need-to-know information on VBA2C.
What CBAC Moms Want You to Know
Sometimes, your clients will end up with a repeat Cesarean, despite all their efforts to fight for a VBAC. In this episode, we interview several CBAC (Cesarean Birth After Cesarean) moms and find out what they wish everyone (even doulas) would know about having an unplanned repeat Cesarean.
Don’t Know Where to Begin With Vaginal Birth After Cesarean?
Get our VBAC Myths Busted Guide and start today!
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and we’ll share our best VBAC tips and insights.